Family Portal
Started with the necessity of having an event planner and sort of grew from there to encapsulate everything that would be used by a family.
It grew, bit by bit, in a short period of time, and is currently evolving as a Family Portal.
It is made with MySQL, Laravel 9, PHP 8.1 and simple blade pages and yes, it needs a bit of love for refactoring. Currently the code is not open sourced and there is no live demo, but it is accessible on
It was initially planned to be deployed as a docker container, however, due to having the functionality up and running, the docker deployment was postponed.
I will resume working and implementing multiple features when I will have a bit of time. I am considering getting the software open sourced, and recommending it as a self-hosted solution deployed as a docker container.
Main features
Its features are limited for now and currently used as an event planner with RSVP functionality. In a bit of more detail, you can:
- Create events with a text editor that supports full HTML
- Show upcoming events, past events or all events
- Published events and drafts
- Protected events by a simple event code that is uniquely generated
- Add guests and group of guests to the events manually or allow guests to self- manage themselves
- Allow a public guest list or mark the viewing private
- Start Date, End Date, Start Time and End Time
- RSVP with deadline
- Location Map
- Send event notification via email or via SMS with Twilio API implementation
- Light/Dark theme and other 6 different accent colour themes
- Language selection Romanian/English
- Portal user management with user/admin roles
- Email verification for users
- Profile management and password reset
- Admin users have to enter their password again when accessing restrictive routes
Upcoming features
These need to be completed before considering to realse it as an open source project. For details and feature suggestions, please get in touch with me and we can further discuss opportunities.
- Allow multiple front-page backgrounds
- Allow multiple dynamic front-pages
- Implement file manager
- Implement gallery where event guests can access the event media/photos
- Implement photo/video request for collection and allow an automatic URL to be generated and sent via SMS/Email to guests so they can contribute to the event's media collection
- Allow management of the portal photos for the login page
- Add social login and account management
- Allow to share via social links