Total Instalații

Portfolio Dec 21, 2022


Total Instalații is a React website with the backend in NodeJS that is used for sending email notifications from it's custom contact form.

The website is only available in the Romanian language, because the intended purpose is only to attract Romanian customers.

The website is for a team of plumbers that wanted to have an online presence and to advertise their services.

It has a simple price calculator with details pulled from a JSON file that can be updated at any time.

Designed as a mobile first experience, the contact information is persistent throughout the whole website, with dedicated buttons on the right hand side, that can help users call, message via WhatsApp or Email the plumbers.

Navigate to the live website

Live View

The website is live and can be viewed on

Total Instalații | Servicii de instalații
Servicii de instalații, de înaltă calitate, la prețuri accesiblile în Brașov și în împrejurimi. Vedeți pagina de estimatare de cost. Sunați acum - 0745 984 762
